Standard Operating Procedures (SOP)
A Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) clearly outlines precautions related to specific operations or experiments. Chemical hazard bands provide general SOPs for categories of chemicals such as flammables. Higher hazard chemicals may require a chemical-specific SOP with more detail. Common or high hazard processes require process SOPs.
Creating SOPs
Step 1: Chemical Inventory
Update the lab UC Chemicals by adding new chemicals when they arrive and removing chemicals that have been completely used and their container disposed.
Step 2: Banded SOPs
Print the Chemical Band Specific SOPs relevant to your lab as identified by UC Chemicals from the list below. Complete the “Lab Specific Use Procedures”.
Step 3: Chemical Specific SOPs
Print chemical-specific SOPs available from the UCLA Center for Laboratory Safety SOP Library or other sources, for chemicals requiring a specific SOP as identified by UC Chemicals and complete the section “Protocol/Procedure”.
Step 4: Process SOPs
Create process SOPs for commonly used and highest hazard processes. Select from the Hazardous Operations SOPs list below or work with EHS to identify and create them.
Step 5: Training and Signature
Add the SOPs to the lab safety binder and ensure anyone working in the lab reviews and understands the SOPs and signs them.
Chemical Band-Specific SOPs
The SOP templates below are to be used to write your laboratory-specific SOPs. All sections on the SOP template must be completed. All SOPs must be reviewed, approved, and signed by the Principal Investigator. Laboratory members must review and sign the SOPs that apply to their research and be documented in the SOS binder.
Primary Chemical Bands
- Acutely Toxic Chemicals
- Explosive and Potentially Explosive Compounds (PEC)
- General Information for Hazardous Materials
- Highly Flammables
- Peroxide Forming Chemicals (PFC)
- Pyrophorics
- Strong Corrosive Chemicals
- Strong Oxidizers
- Toxic Gases
- Water Reactive Chemicals
Secondary Chemical Bands
- Carcinogens
- Corrosives and Irritants
- Explosive and Potentially Explosive Compounds
- Flammables
- Gases Under Pressure
- Organic Peroxides and Self-Reactive Chemicals
- Reproductive Toxins
- Sensitizers
- Toxic Chemicals
Biosafety-specific SOPs
- Adenoviral Vectors
- Retroviral Vectors
- Human and Non-Human Primate Materials
- Lentiviral Vectors
- Tetrodotoxin
Chemical Specific SOPs
SOP templates available from the UCLA Center for Laboratory Safety SOP Library can be utilized to write laboratory chemical specific SOPs. All sections on the SOP template must be completed. Please refer to the corresponding Safety Data Sheet (SDS) from the same manufacturer of the chemical to include important information on the SOPs per the manufacturer recommendations. All SOPs must be reviewed, approved, and signed by the Principal Investigator. Laboratory members must review and sign the SOPs that apply to their research. These SOPs should be maintained in the labs Laboratory Safety binder.
Hazardous Operations SOPs
- Cryogenic Liquids
- High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)
- Quenching Reactive Organometallic Reagent -- Butyl Lithium
- Quenching Solvent Drying Still Bottoms
- Rotary Evaporator (rotovap)
- Running a Column Chromatography (coming soon)
- Safe Use of Pyrophoric Reagents
- Setting up a Reflux Condenser
- Setting up and using Schlenk line (coming soon)
- Solvent Dispensing Guide - Bulb
- Solvent Dispensing Guide - Receptacle
- Solvent Dispensing System Manual
- Solvent Purification System (Non-Thermal)
- Superconducting NMR Magnet Filling Procedure (400 & 500 MHz)
- Superconducting NMR Magnet Filling Procedure (800 MHz)
- Thermal Solvent Distillation System
- Using a Centrifuge
- Using a Glove Box (coming soon)
- Using a Mass Spectrometer
- Using Nanomaterial (coming soon)
- Cal/OSHA Article 110 Carcinogens List
- International Agency for Research of Cancer (IARC) Agents List
- National Toxicology Program (NTP) Carcinogen List (Coming Soon)
- NIOSH List of Antineoplastic and Other Hazardous Drugs
- Proposition 65 List of Chemicals (Coming Soon)
- UC Settlement Chemical Classification List
- UCI LSI Checklist
- UCI List of Common Extremely Hazardous Chemicals