Be Smart About Safety (BSAS)
- Program initiated in 2006 by UCOP Office of Risk Services
- Designed to invest in loss prevention programs to reduce numbers and severity of employee injuries
- Workers’ Compensation program results:
- Decrease in frequency of claims
- Overall reduction in Workers’ Compensation rates
- Initial success of program led to expansion of program to address safety, risk and loss exposures in other risk management program areas
BSAS Program Funding
- Projects intended to reduce the frequency and severity of potential loss in the areas of:
- Workers’ Compensation (employee injury claims)
- Auto liability and physical damage
- Employment practices liability
- General liability
- Professional liability
- Property damage
Past UCI BSAS Projects
Workers’ Compensation projects:
Risk Management projects:
BSAS Projects Request Process
- Submit online application
- Contact EHS with questions:
- Sandra Conrrad (sconrrad@uci.edu; 949-824-6982)